I am proud to give back to our community:
10% of the total sales before tax and shipping will go towards a 'Charity of the Month'. The current Charity of the Month can be seen at LittleStudio.ca, or at each month's beginning blog post.
Each month has a specific charity, and they are:
January: Polar Bears International http://www.polarbearsinternational.org/
February: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada http://mssociety.ca/
March: Country Cat Rescue http://www.countrycatrescue.com
April: National Wildlife Federation http://www.nwf.org/
May: ME/FM Action Network for Fibromyalgia http://www.mefmaction.net
June: Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary http://www.rideauwildlife.org/
July: Rescue 100 Foundation http://rescue100.ca/
August: Arthritis Society of Canada http://www.arthritis.ca/
September: Epic Farms Horse Rescue http://www.epicfarms.com/Home_Page.html
October: Lanark Animal Welfare Society http://www.lanarkanimals.ca/
November: Canadian Cancer Society http://www.cancer.ca/
December: The Snuggles Project http://www.snugglesproject.org/
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! You are making a real difference to the lives of people and animals everywhere! To date, Little Studio has donated over $1500 to these and other charities!