Friday, February 12, 2010

Fabulous Friday Find: Crack Pie (Yes, You Read That Correctly)

Yes, Crack Pie. It is not for the sugar-sensitive, diabetic, waist-conscious or health nut. It IS for anyone who wants a sinfully delicious dessert. If you don't want to make it yourself, Momofuku sells it for $44US a PIE. Yup, $44 EACH pie, plus FedEx shipping. Check out the recipe from the LA Times here.
When I saw this, I knew I would have to try it. It is just missing one thing to make it the most orgasmalicious dessert of all time: chocolate. Then again, the addition of one more less-than-perfectly-healthy ingredient may end up sending the person eating it into a sugar coma ;-)

....Guess what I'll be trying to make this weekend?
This might just be perfect for that special someone's sweet tooth this Valentine's day :)



  1. Oh my! That looks SOOOO good! And a little chocolate drizzled on top sounds awesome!!!

  2. Sounds fabulous and perfect for Valentines weekend! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs to Arwen!



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