Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday Part 2 - Donations to Charity!

Well I am happy to announce that my sales last month resulted in my being able to donate to not one, but THREE charities! I was able to give $10 each to the Arthritis Society in Canada, the Multiple Sclerosis Society in Canada and the Lanark Animal Welfare Society! I strongly encourage each and every one of you to visit their websites and donate to help people and animals everywhere. They do such great work, and, with life the way it is, you never know when you might need help from one of them :)
I want to thank everyone who has purchased an item from me, as your purchase has made a difference to many charities worldwide!


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for the encouragement you left on my blog about my upcoming pricing changes! I'm getting a lot of positive feedback :) I'm still a little nervous, but hey, I still have all the other types of jewelry I do at lower prices to balance it out right? Thanks again!


  2. Congratulations on being able to donate to three wonderful charities Meghann! Thanks for all you do to make this world a better place!

  3. Thank you! I don't normally like to show off, but I have to tell people about these wonderful organizations - with the current economic downturn, many charitable organizations are suffering and it is up to us to promote them :D



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